posted by Jonice at 10:15 PM
Is ever hard to me understand poetry, but the google translater give the confirmation I was expecting to my own translate.Hugs.
By L.S. Alves, at segunda-feira, junho 23, 2008 12:19:00 PM
What a beautiful quote Jonice.Have a good week too!Bisous
By standley, at segunda-feira, junho 23, 2008 4:29:00 PM
By Anônimo, at segunda-feira, junho 23, 2008 4:30:00 PM
¡Oh yes, dear Jon, the Earth delights so! And so my feet.And also the wind and my hair. They like to play with each other.Kisses.
By Blas Torillo Photography, at segunda-feira, junho 23, 2008 9:07:00 PM's a wonderful feeling!!!Have a marvelous week too,dear friend!xo
By Teresa Calcao, at terça-feira, junho 24, 2008 10:24:00 AM
Olá JoniceSempre com uns pensamentos fabulosos!Que tenhas um lindo fim-de-semana.Grande abraço, amigaBeijinhos
By rui, at sábado, junho 28, 2008 4:50:00 AM
With my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds, I delight in the poetry of Gibran.The Marshal
By Anônimo, at sábado, junho 28, 2008 3:01:00 PM
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Dear Friends
Is ever hard to me understand poetry, but the google translater give the confirmation I was expecting to my own translate.
L.S. Alves, at segunda-feira, junho 23, 2008 12:19:00 PM
What a beautiful quote Jonice.
Have a good week too!
standley, at segunda-feira, junho 23, 2008 4:29:00 PM
What a beautiful quote Jonice.
Have a good week too!
Anônimo, at segunda-feira, junho 23, 2008 4:30:00 PM
¡Oh yes, dear Jon, the Earth delights so! And so my feet.
And also the wind and my hair. They like to play with each other.
Blas Torillo Photography, at segunda-feira, junho 23, 2008 9:07:00 PM's a wonderful feeling!!!
Have a marvelous week too,dear friend!
Teresa Calcao, at terça-feira, junho 24, 2008 10:24:00 AM
Olá Jonice
Sempre com uns pensamentos fabulosos!
Que tenhas um lindo fim-de-semana.
Grande abraço, amiga
rui, at sábado, junho 28, 2008 4:50:00 AM
With my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds, I delight in the poetry of Gibran.
The Marshal
Anônimo, at sábado, junho 28, 2008 3:01:00 PM
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