What the world needs now is love
This has been a week we shall not forget.
There are accidents and accidents. Some are not so accidental.
"Live and learn" is as a true saying as "love and care" is.
This morning I brought Burt Bacharach's song to my students.
While working on its lyrics I just couldn't help thinking how they
suit this very moment to a T. The lyrics are simple and speak
straight forward. We live in a wonderful world where there are
mountains and oceans, and fields and rivers, and air and water
enough to...
We lack love. We lack the power of love. Because there's plenty
of love for power when business cannot be stopped and financial
facts surmount and prevail over human values.
Off we go to the lyrics:
What the world needs now is love
Burt Bacharach and Hal David
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone
Lord, we don't need another mountain
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers enough to cross
Enough to last till the end of time
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone
Lord, we don't need another meadow
There are corn fields and wheat fields enough to grow
There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine
Oh listen Lord, if you want to know...oh...
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some oh but just for every, every, everyone
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
There are accidents and accidents. Some are not so accidental.
"Live and learn" is as a true saying as "love and care" is.
This morning I brought Burt Bacharach's song to my students.
While working on its lyrics I just couldn't help thinking how they
suit this very moment to a T. The lyrics are simple and speak
straight forward. We live in a wonderful world where there are
mountains and oceans, and fields and rivers, and air and water
enough to...
We lack love. We lack the power of love. Because there's plenty
of love for power when business cannot be stopped and financial
facts surmount and prevail over human values.
Off we go to the lyrics:
What the world needs now is love
Burt Bacharach and Hal David
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone
Lord, we don't need another mountain
There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb
There are oceans and rivers enough to cross
Enough to last till the end of time
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some but for everyone
Lord, we don't need another meadow
There are corn fields and wheat fields enough to grow
There are sunbeams and moonbeams enough to shine
Oh listen Lord, if you want to know...oh...
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
It's the only thing that there's just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
No, not just for some oh but just for every, every, everyone
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
What the world needs now is love, sweet love
Esta semana foi penosa para todos nós querida...
E sem dúvida Jonice, o mundo precisa de amor!!!
O amor une, alenta e alegra...
Só ele é capaz de mover montanhas e sem ele não sobrevivemos...
Love is all we nedd!
Anônimo, at sábado, julho 21, 2007 6:06:00 PM
What the world needs now is love... as it has always did.
And the world is us, all of us, together, ain't we, dear Jonice?
Send you a sincere hug; this days maybe you might need it also.
And kisses... all you need, just in case.
Blas Torillo Photography, at sábado, julho 21, 2007 10:20:00 PM
Marco: tomara que essa dor, de toda nossa população, alavanque mudanças efetivas.
Beijinho, querido.
Blas: thanks for your sweetness, dear. Though not personally involved in it, the plane accident we had this week was deeply painful.
Jonice, at sábado, julho 21, 2007 11:42:00 PM
A escolha do tema deste seu post é mais do que oportuna. Se Roberto Freire (o terapeuta) escreveu que "Sem tesão não há solução", você ressalta: "Tudo aquilo de que o mundo necessita é Amor".
Obrigado pela visita.
Claudio Costa, at domingo, julho 22, 2007 5:36:00 PM
These days, I mean...
And I'm glad there's nothing that close to you.
Blas Torillo Photography, at segunda-feira, julho 23, 2007 12:28:00 AM
Bom dia Jonice!!!
Têm tarefa pra você em meu blog... Passa lá!
Anônimo, at segunda-feira, julho 23, 2007 10:22:00 AM
Cláudio: obrigada por vir também :)
Blas: kisses :)
Marco: já fui lá e adorei!
Jonice, at segunda-feira, julho 23, 2007 1:21:00 PM
O poder do amor parece não oferecer dúvidas às mentalidades de hoje.
Dizia-me um amigo que, se não ler jornais ou ver televisão, o "seu mundo" pode bem ser um mundo de amor...
Amaral, at segunda-feira, julho 23, 2007 6:45:00 PM
Amaral: concordo que as mentalidades de hoje não tenham dúvida quanto ao poder do amor. Mas que há mentalidades desatualizadas, lá isto há. Não é?
Jonice, at segunda-feira, julho 23, 2007 9:49:00 PM
lotsa lotsa lotsa LOVE!!!! *hugs*
Inn, at terça-feira, julho 24, 2007 7:33:00 AM
Lovely lyrics.
Can you imagine how POWERFUL love can be? All this war,terrosrism,hatred,intolrance--everything can be wiped out with the power of love.
Preeti Shenoy, at terça-feira, julho 24, 2007 9:20:00 AM
All we need is LOVE!!!
Plum, at terça-feira, julho 24, 2007 10:41:00 AM
Inn: hugs in return.
PS: as Jimmy Hendrix said.
Plum: yes,love is all we need.
Jonice, at terça-feira, julho 24, 2007 11:17:00 AM
Hi Jonice,
Thank you for your concern,but i'm fine......just dealing with too many things at once.....I'm overwelmed!!!!!!!!!!
And I agree,what the world needs
now .....is LOTS OF LOVE!!!!!!!
Beijinho doce
Teresa Calcao, at quarta-feira, julho 25, 2007 11:17:00 AM
Teresa: too busy, then. I'm glad it's that and wish you the necessary strenght. Thanks for dropping by dear. :)
Jonice, at quinta-feira, julho 26, 2007 9:46:00 AM
That is a powerful and true post, Jonice. It brought chills to my heart and tears to my eyes.
Thank you.
Terry Kaufman, at quinta-feira, julho 26, 2007 12:39:00 PM
Terry: and your sensitive generous comment brought tears to mine as well.
Jonice, at quinta-feira, julho 26, 2007 1:54:00 PM
o tempo é curto, a vida não pode dispensar o amor, deixemo-nos de tretas e amemos...obrigado por este lindo post...
Luís Galego, at sexta-feira, julho 27, 2007 7:49:00 AM
Realmente amor é tudo do que precisamos...=)
Saudades de você.
Decidi voltar após um longo e tenebroso inverno nas terras das sombras longas.
Bom revê-la.
Beijos, litle girl.
Marcelo, at sábado, julho 28, 2007 3:01:00 PM
Jonice, com um post desse, nem preciso comentar!
Thiago Forrest Gump, at sábado, julho 28, 2007 3:13:00 PM
Luís: sim! Sem tretas :)
Marcelo: ah... que coisa boa você por aqui! Também estou com saudades.
Thiago: beijo :)
Jonice, at sábado, julho 28, 2007 4:11:00 PM
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