Como o nome já diz: uma rede de interação.
Bacana quando alguém interage trazendo informações.
jlm leu o meu post anterior e me contou quem é seu
verdadeiro autor. E ele tem um blog muito legal.
As its name says: an interaction net.
It's cool when someone interacts and informs us further.
jlm has read my previous post and has told me who the
poem's author really is. And he's got a quite nice blog.
Bacana quando alguém interage trazendo informações.
jlm leu o meu post anterior e me contou quem é seu
verdadeiro autor. E ele tem um blog muito legal.
As its name says: an interaction net.
It's cool when someone interacts and informs us further.
jlm has read my previous post and has told me who the
poem's author really is. And he's got a quite nice blog.
Well done Jon.
To correct. To learn. To improve.
These are good tasks, don't they?
Just a little word. The inter is for international, but I like more this one of you: interaction.
Kisses Jon.
Blas Torillo Photography, at sábado, julho 19, 2008 12:11:00 AM
Yes, dear Blas. International it is, "interactional" it gets to be.
Besos :)
Jonice, at sábado, julho 19, 2008 7:09:00 AM
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