Evgen Bavcar
By Benjamin Mayer-Foulkes
Why would a blind man want to wear transparent
eyeglasses? Why would he wish to walk the streets of
Paris dressed in the same black hat, cape and red scarf
worn by Aristide Bruant as depicted by Toulouse-Lautrec?
Why would he want to risk speaking on a radio program
about paintings which he has never actually seen? And
why would he desire to take photographs?
The name of this man is Evgen Bavcar, he is an art
photographer and he is completely blind. Born in 1946
in a small Slovenian town near Venice, he lost both eyes
before he was twelve in two consecutive accidents.
Four years later, he lay his hands on a camera for the
first time, to take a snapshot of the girl with whom he
was in love: as he recalls, The pleasure I felt then
resulted from my having robbed and fixed on a film
something that did not belong to me, I secretly
discovered I could possess something that I could
not see.
Bavcar studied History at the University of Ljubljana,
and Philosophy at the Sorbonne. Having settled in Paris
he embarked on an academic career, and intensified his
photographic activities. In 1988 he was named Official
Photographer of the City of Light’s Photography Month.
Since then his work has been widely exhibited, particularly
in Europe. Walter Aue, the acclaimed Berlin poet, considers
that after Niepce, Fox Talbot and Daguerre, Bavcar is "the
fourth inventor of photography".
Bavcar’s work addresses the relations between vision,
blindness and invisibility: My task is the reunion of the
visible and the invisible worlds, photography allows me
to pervert the established method of perception amongst
those who see and those who don’t.
The complete article in http://zonezero.com/EXPOSICIONES/fotografos/bavcar/#
By Benjamin Mayer-Foulkes
Why would a blind man want to wear transparent
eyeglasses? Why would he wish to walk the streets of
Paris dressed in the same black hat, cape and red scarf
worn by Aristide Bruant as depicted by Toulouse-Lautrec?
Why would he want to risk speaking on a radio program
about paintings which he has never actually seen? And
why would he desire to take photographs?
The name of this man is Evgen Bavcar, he is an art
photographer and he is completely blind. Born in 1946
in a small Slovenian town near Venice, he lost both eyes
before he was twelve in two consecutive accidents.
Four years later, he lay his hands on a camera for the
first time, to take a snapshot of the girl with whom he
was in love: as he recalls, The pleasure I felt then
resulted from my having robbed and fixed on a film
something that did not belong to me, I secretly
discovered I could possess something that I could
not see.
Bavcar studied History at the University of Ljubljana,
and Philosophy at the Sorbonne. Having settled in Paris
he embarked on an academic career, and intensified his
photographic activities. In 1988 he was named Official
Photographer of the City of Light’s Photography Month.
Since then his work has been widely exhibited, particularly
in Europe. Walter Aue, the acclaimed Berlin poet, considers
that after Niepce, Fox Talbot and Daguerre, Bavcar is "the
fourth inventor of photography".
Bavcar’s work addresses the relations between vision,
blindness and invisibility: My task is the reunion of the
visible and the invisible worlds, photography allows me
to pervert the established method of perception amongst
those who see and those who don’t.
The complete article in http://zonezero.com/EXPOSICIONES/fotografos/bavcar/#
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Je Vois La Vie en Vert, at quinta-feira, agosto 23, 2007 9:19:00 AM
Decidi oferecer-te o Prémio"Cinco Estrelas". Passa là para o meu blog para ver.
Um beijinho verdinho
Je Vois La Vie en Vert, at quinta-feira, agosto 23, 2007 9:20:00 AM
Que história fantástica Jonice!
Nossa!!! Quanta coragem e quanta força de vontade... Exemplo!
Saudades querida...
A "Fonte" foi renovada!
Anônimo, at sexta-feira, agosto 24, 2007 12:55:00 AM
Maravilhoso, amiga! É sabido que quando perdemos um dos sentidos, todos os outros aumentam em sensibilidade.Eu sempre acreditei na visão do terceiro olho, nessa visão interior onde habita a inspiração.Histórias de sucesso como esta devem ser divulgadas o mais possível.Porque são belas, inspiradoras e de muita coragem.Um beijo deste lado do oceano...
Cláudia, at sexta-feira, agosto 24, 2007 6:25:00 AM
My god! Really amazing and incredible.Just shocks us out of our pre conceived perceptions.Thans for sharing this wonderful story.
Preeti Shenoy, at sexta-feira, agosto 24, 2007 2:34:00 PM
Estou passando por aqui para dar meus parabéns
pela sua indicação, ao prêmio blog 5 estrelas!
Seu blog é muito original, parabéns 2x!
Bom fim de semana
Elza, at sábado, agosto 25, 2007 1:50:00 AM
Olá jonice
Adorei ver tudo sobre este fotógrafo cego!
É na verdade impressionante!
Grande beijinho
rui, at domingo, agosto 26, 2007 10:34:00 AM
Bavacar's work is unknown to me..until now! I've been looking at the online gallery of his work...I don't know about you, but I find it intensly moving...wonderful. ..In some ways he made me think of Beethoven who as you know was deaf...a blind photographer and a deaf musician...the human desire to create and reflect what is around him is so strong.thank you for bringing him to my attention Jonice.
Niall young, at domingo, agosto 26, 2007 1:17:00 PM
wow...this is really amazing to be a photographer and yet not to see the photos! That really needs a great will and thought. He's wonderful.
Wish you the best and thanks for sharing this nice post.
Shahrzad, at domingo, agosto 26, 2007 8:12:00 PM
Jonice, I remember a part of a poem that is written on my grandparents grave:
The mind has a thousand eyes....
The complete poem is:
The Night has a Thousand Eyes
The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies
With the dying sun.
The mind has a thousand eyes,
And the heart but one:
Yet the light of a whole life dies
When love is done.
-- Francis William Bourdillon
That photographer expresses himself through his heart.
Thanks for sharing his incredible work!
Terry Kaufman, at segunda-feira, agosto 27, 2007 4:02:00 AM
real interesting
everything we believe is not such as we believe, isn't it?
Anônimo, at segunda-feira, agosto 27, 2007 6:10:00 AM
Vert: foi como te disse.
Marco: e viva a "Fonte"!
Cláudia: sem dúvida que este fotógrafo tem em seu terceiro olho um primeiro lugar.
PS: yes, our perception boundaries can spread far out when we get to know such things.
Elza: boa semana para ti!
Rui: :)
Niall: for me too his work is immensely moving. And yes, Beethoven came to my mind as soon as I first read about Bavcar.
Shahrzad: wonderful... yes!
Terry: thank you for the poem!
Amor: some facts make us revise our beliefs, don't they?
Jonice, at segunda-feira, agosto 27, 2007 2:43:00 PM
This case is really interesting. I ever believe in the capacity of rehabilitation of the people. And the approach unusual of a blind man can make us see the things for another way.
Hugs to you Jonice.
L.S. Alves, at terça-feira, agosto 28, 2007 8:13:00 AM
LS: perhaps limits exist for us to acquaint them and break through...
Jonice, at terça-feira, agosto 28, 2007 2:48:00 PM
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