Há quem diga que todas as noites são de sonhos. Mas há quem garanta também que nem todas o são, só as de verão. No fundo, isso não tem mesmo a menor importância. O que realmente interessa não é a noite em si, mas os sonhos. Sonhos que se sonha sempre, em todos os lugares, em todas as épocas do ano, dormindo ou acordado. William Shakespeare
tapestry . every thread of creation is held in position by still other strands of things living in an earthly tapestry hung from the skyline of smouldering cities so gray and so vulgar as not to be satisfied with their own negativity but needing to touch all the living as well . every breeze that blows kindly is one crystal breath we exhale on the blue diamond heaven as gentle to touch as the hands of the healer as soft as farewells whispered over the coffin we're poisoned by venom with each breath we take from the brown sulphur chimney and the black highway snake . every dawn that breaks golden is held in suspension like the yoke of the egg in albumen where the birth and the death of unseen generations are interdependent in vast orchestration and painted in colors of tapestry thread when the dying are born and the living are dead . every pulse of your heartbeat is one liquid moment that flows through the veins of your being like a river of life flowing on since creation approaching the sea with each new generation you're now just a stagnant and rancid disgrace that is rapidly drowning the whole human race . every fish that swims silent every bird that flies freely every doe that steps softly every crisp leaf that falls all the flowers that grow on this colourful tapestry somehow they know that if man is allowed to destroy all we need he will soon have to pay with his life for his greed . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihk3Namt0pA&feature=related
Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have found the soul walking upon my path." For the soul walks upon all paths. The soul walks not upon a line neither does it grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself like a lotus of countless petals.
Não diga “Eu encontrei o caminho da alma”, diga antes, “Eu encontrei a alma percorrendo meu caminho.” Pois a alma percorre todos os caminhos. A alma não percorre uma linha, nem cresce como um junco. A alma se desdobra como um lótus de incontáveis pétalas.
ENGLISH IS COOL tem um som parecido com ENGLISH SCHOOL.
Este blog se dispõe a olhar com humor alguns aspectos
da língua inglesa sem a menor pretensão de ser escola,
mas só ver se descola seu interesse em aprendê-la.