Gisele is a dear friend of mine. Actually, she’s my friendaughter.
She stars this clip which was made by Tulio here in Curitiba where we can see Tanguá Park and the sunset at one of the city’s big avenues. The musicians are Curitibanos who got together to form a band after having come back from London.
Gisele is a nice girl and she has beautiful eyes and a wonderful smile...
At sunset, Curitiba seems like her... also beautiful... attractive...
Amaral, at quinta-feira, março 26, 2009 7:57:00 AM
Parabéns para a tua friendaughter Gisele. O clip está bem feito e ela é linda !
Gostei de saber que o teu filho também vai seguir os passos da mãe e está a aprender francês !
Je suis heureuse aussi d'avoir contribué à ce qu'il découvre que les arbres sont masculins en français tout comme les noms qui se termine en -age, sauf quelques exceptions (plage, image, page...).
Bisous verts, ma chère Jonice !
Je Vois La Vie en Vert, at quinta-feira, março 26, 2009 3:57:00 PM
Atmospheric and emmotional track laid down by Tulio..bravo!..Your home town looks wonderful...and Gielle is stunningly beautiful and a perfect face for the song.
Nice post Jonice!
Niall young, at quinta-feira, março 26, 2009 6:16:00 PM
Not ony she is your friendaughter Jonice, she is so pretty!
Passe une bonne journée.Bisous
standley, at sábado, março 28, 2009 8:15:00 AM
Mami! Que delícia!
Obrigada a você, obrigada a todos!!
Vou mostrar para o Tullio!!
Beijo meu coração
Gisele Naconaski, at quarta-feira, abril 01, 2009 9:26:00 AM
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